And then I discovered the Mommy Empowerment Method that actually works and created Stronger Mommy University.Here’s the story:I started taking care of myself (not as easy as it sounds by the way) which allowed me to better care for my daughter.With more energy and happiness in my life, I was able to get control of our bills and even with my husband and I having good jobs, we were still able to start getting almost everything my daughter needed, covered at no cost to us.I got my family and friends on board and even began to connect with other moms who really understood what I was going through because they were in the same boat! The Dr.s started to take my concerns seriously and soon I felt like the confident, capable parent everyone kept telling me I was.I got respite care to help me at home since my husband traveled a lot for work and I even tackled the school system with ease as my daughter got old enough to start pre-school.